Fillion recalled the process he went through in making this year’s game. He talked about how his character used to just look like a “puppet” of himself in past entries, but in Halo 5, they took it to a whole new level. Fillion traveled to Seattle, where his face was photographed at every angle to create an accurate representation of himself in the game. When he was finished, Fillion jokingly asked one of the 343 developers if they could make him better looking in the game.
What Fillion meant to be a joke was taken quite seriously, and 343 made some adjustments to Fillion’s character model. Fans have taken notice of the changes too. Fillion said:
The new, improved, and now more handsome Edward Buck will be hunting down Master Chief alongside Spartan Locke and the rest of Fireteam Osiris when Halo 5 launches on October 27. Until then, you can watch Fillion’s clip from Jimmy Kimmel Live here and check out Buck’s new look in the header image up top.