What is Error Code 727e66ac?
Error code 727e66ac only occurs in MyCareer, and essentially locks your character, which means you can’t play games, go to MyPark, or do anything else without having to start your entire career over.
Considering you can dump your hard-earned VC into a character, it’s not as easy as just hitting “New Game,” especially since there’s a chance it can happen again.
What Causes Error Code 727e66ac?
As is often the case with a new glitch in a recently-released game, there’s a lot of speculation as to what causes the error code to pop up, but there’s one prevailing theory.
Error code 727e66ac seems to have something to do with taking your player to MyPark during your career, causing some kind of disconnect with 2K’s servers.
It’ll lock you out of your character entirely, but there is a fix.
How to fix Error Code 727e66ac?
Ok, hear us out: you’ll need to start a new career, but don’t worry because you won’t lose anything by doing so.
You can skip the NBA 2K21 prelude to get to the main chunk of the game, and then you’ll be told you can’t progress because guess what? That’s right, error code 727e66ac.
Once that happens:
Back out Resume playing on your first character (i. e, the one you first experience the issue with)
You should now be able to continue.
Some people have noted that a PS4 firmware update could have caused an issue, so you should:
Head into your saved data on your system Upload your 2K21 save to the cloud to back it up (maybe add it to a USB drive to be sure) Delete the data from the console Check for any firmware updates to install Either redownload your save from the cloud or add it back via the USB drive once the console is updated
Finally, players have also noticed that you can sometimes get around the issue by joining a multiplayer match with someone in your friend list, presumably rejigging the game’s connection to the servers.
That’s all you need to know about how to (potentially) fix error code 727e66ac in NBA 2K21. For more on NBA 2K21, be sure to check out our review here.