Background Story:

Many years ago, a sailor who used to sailed with his son (the player) had a lot of memory of the sea. They encountered different types of sea creatures in different seas and recorded them in a book. As time passed, the sailor aged and is suffering from memory loss. As the son, the player will need to sail around the sea and try to bring his father’s maritime memory back. The player will need to draw and record whatever he encounters in the sea so he can bring it back to his father.  

– Hugo Spiers, neuroscientist and developer for Sea Hero Quest

Screenshot of Sea Hero Quest as player is approaching a kraken 

This game’s purpose is to test players’ cognitive abilities like navigation, decision-making, and estimating orientation. The only data the researchers receive are age, location, gender and result. 

This game is an example of crowd science, which let the masses participate in major research. It is now available to be downloaded for free in Google Play and the App Store.