The news comes from the official Project Xehanort Twitter account, which gives very little indication of what we can expect from the title. There’s a shot of young Xehanort holding a chess piece, referencing the opening sequences of Kingdom Hearts 3, and… that’s about it.
The game’s slot on the Kingdom Hearts website provides a tiny bit more detail, saying the new title will explore why Xehanort became a seeker of darkness. Sounds a bit like Maleficent if we’re being honest. However, since it’s Kingdom Hearts, with all the twisting lore that entails, we can probably expect a lot more depth to the story than that.
There’s also a name guessing competition running until January 28 at 6:59 p.m. PST/9:59 p.m. EST. Entrants can guess what they think the game’s official title will be, using two hints Square Enix provided: it’s two words and contains eight letters.
The site has more details, but you can enter on Twitter.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Kingdom Hearts and Project Xehanort news, and look forward to our Kingdom Hearts: Re:Mind review soon.