Donning the traditional Russian ushanka (fur cap) and replacing her boar Bristle with a ferocious, armored bear, Bear Cavalry Sejuani is looking to tear up the jungle in Russian-inspired style!

 You can check out the official announcement on the Russian League of Legends website. Here’s an English translation of the new skin’s preview:

The new Sejuani skin will be arriving soon to celebrate the recent launch of the LoL Russian server. Following traditional server launch commemorations, the Bear Cavalry Sejuani skin will be free for players currently on the Russian servers. All other servers can expect the new skin to arrive shortly afterwards for purchase.

This bear-riding Sejuani looks really badass, but personally, I’m still waiting for a Poro-riding Sejuani skin!

“3 Poros of Freljord” artwork by inkinesss