The Japanese trailer explores the entire history of the Metal Gear Solid story, which began in 1987, looking into the greatest moments and mechanics that have made it one of the most iconic video game series of all time. The trailer concentrates mainly on its relationship to the PlayStation, with the first Metal Gear Solid being exclusive to that console in 1998.

Highlights of the trailer include an appreciation of the game’s focus on stealth, including the game’s most significant hiding spot, the famed cardboard box. It also displays some funny costumes and moments in the series, as well as the evolution of protagonist Solid Snake throughout the years.

For devoted followers of Metal Gear Solid for many years, this is a great way to appeal to feelings of nostalgia and what they loved about the game in the beginning. 

Furthermore, the ending of the trailer states that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be the conclusion of the franchise, with the mystery of “why a legendary hero has sunken to evil.” Could this see Solid Snake turn into the adversary after years as the heroic special forces operative?

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain arrives on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 on September 1, with competitive online addition Metal Gear Online joining on consoles on October 6 and January 2016 on PC.