• Sara Jansson, Senior Producer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

So… the game still features Faith, and you still do parkour. If it’s not a sequel, then what else could it be? There was already some buzz suggesting that the game might be a prequel to the original Mirror’s Edge, or perhaps even a reboot of the property. Considering that this series still only consists of a single game, I wouldn’t go as far as to call this new title a reboot, but I do think this new entry in the series may be intended as a sort of “jumping-on point” for anyone interested in trying Mirror’s Edge for the first time.

And then there’s this statement:

Jannson seems almost regretful that the original Mirror’s Edge didn’t live up to its full potential. This could indicate a few things. Maybe the next Mirror’s Edge means to add a great deal more complexity to the formula. Maybe it’s hopping genres into foreign territory, while still retaining as much of the original charm as possible. It’s all still pretty up in the air at the moment.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is expected to release sometime in the first quarter of 2016. For more information, be sure to check out the official Mirror’s Edge website.


New Mirror s Edge will NOT be a sequel   Mirror s Edge 2 - 74New Mirror s Edge will NOT be a sequel   Mirror s Edge 2 - 32New Mirror s Edge will NOT be a sequel   Mirror s Edge 2 - 24