Whilst the background for your character has been discussed before – as well as the game’s possible antagonist – the latest trailer summarizes the events leading up to your arrival in Torment succinctly.

From what we can gather, you may not only be fighting against The Sorrow, but The Changing God as well – the entity who created and possessed the vessels that allowed him to survive through the ages, of which you are one.

But the way in which The Changing God is portrayed suggests that there may possibly be scope for you and The Sorrow to work together, and defeat the entity which has been cheating death for millennia.

It’s an intriguing introduction to Monte Cook’s world, and given the writing talent behind the game we can expect that the conflict we’ll encounter will be tinged with various shades of grey.

The release date is less than three weeks away, so we can expect a ramp up of promotional information as February 28th draws closer.

Does the story trailer make you excited to play Torment? Let us know in the comments!