Particle City, a new mobile-centric studio co-founded by Respawn Entertainment CEO Vince Zampella, is the company behind the development of these new mobile games. The first one is set to release worldwide for iOS and Android in 2016.
According to Zampella, the partnership with Nexon is momentous. Nexon has great skill with free-to-play games that will help the new Titanfall reach a worldwide audience. Particle City will be helpful in creating new gameplay elements that expand the Titanfall universe to all players:
Nexon’s CEO Owen Mahoney also commented upon the partnership, stating that they plan on building on the original game’s success and introducing the franchise to millions of players worldwide:
Nexon already has a hand in the Titanfall franchise as well. In August, they announced a partnership with Electronic Arts (EA) to develop and publish a free-to-play version of Titanfall for the Asian Market entitled Titanfall Online.
Respawn is also working on a direct sequel to Titanfall, confirmed earlier this year, which will no longer be an Xbox exclusive; the sequel is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Do you think Titanfall on mobile devices is a good idea? Are you excited for this news? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!