Developer Dontnod Entertainment announced via the Life is Strange Twitter handle that they plan on releasing updates in the coming days for the previous four episodes of the interactive drama adventure game. The Twitter update came in the form of a short list - really of only two points of information, as the third was a thank-you to fans.
Episode 5, titled “Polarized”, drops on Tuesday, October 20th. It concludes the gripping tale of Oregon teenager Max Caulfield, who finds herself in serious trouble as she tries to understand both herself and her mysterious power to rewind time.
Dontnod has not yet announced the exactly when “Polarized” will be available on Tuesday, but states that they will post those times “nearer to release”. The game debuted on January 30th, 2015, and passed 1 million sales this summer.
For more on Life is Strange, check out GameSkinny contributor Autumn Fish’s coverage of how realistic the game’s characters actually are, and see the trailer for Episode 5 below:
Life is Strange is available for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.